March 19, 2019 - Day 372

Well hallelujah! I think the bats are finally gone. I haven't seen any in a few days and they quit banging into the side of the house and window in the mornings trying to bet back in. I'm being positive that they are gone and they will not come back. I just received in the mail 2 Ultrasonic Pest Repellars so even though they are gone, I'm putting the 2, what is probably useless, devices in the garage. It said it will repel any rodents of any type, so it can't hurt to leave them there.

So, Lee, the bat guy came the house to start taking the exclusions poles down and sealing up the holes and spaces that the bats could get back in to. He will have to come back several days, because as he says, my house is not sealed well at all. It doesn't make matters better to have swinging doors on the garage because we can't weather proof those. The total bill to remove the bats from the house and seal up the gaps where they were getting in was $1,759.00. Yep that's a lot of money to be rid of those little black ugly bird-rats. They are disgusting.

So once the bat mess is cleaned up, then I will get a realtor out to the house to see what else I need to do to get it ready to sell. Yes, I said I would wait one year to make any major decisions, but mostly not to sell the house until after March 12. Well, the bat situation may have moved it along a little faster, but the day that day came, I was ready to say Sell! Now that the bats are gone, I just want to get it sold before something else comes up or breaks. ?Which by the way I'm having heating issues with the unit upstairs so Jerry is going to check it this weekend. Yes, I know it is the new one that Michael put in. That's why I want out. It's too much upkeep to keep the house and too much maintenance inside and out and I just can't do it on my own. I just want to be closer to work for a while, but I love everything else about Bastrop. I mean I love my church, my friends, my salon, my GriefShare, my church community group and don't want to leave the area. However, I don't need a 2,000 sf 2-story home with 6.2 acres. I hope someone loves it as much as we did when we first saw it. That memory is seared into my brain because I just knew we couldn't afford it and you said, "oh we are getting it". You always were reminding me that "I found this house".  I did and I still love it, but it was our house! It's not my house!

I love and miss you. I wish you were here to help me find a new place to live out the rest of our lives together. I guess that just wasn't God's plan to be!


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